China extends distribution in mysterious Tibet
文丨沃尔沃建筑设备 岳向琴
Volvo CE is expanding our business in the rapid-developing market Tibet by 2019Q1 excavator market share to 5.6% upon the authorization in 2018Q1 to Xizang SVO Machinery, member of SVO Group, CE’s dealership in Northwest. On Apr 12, the 3rd branch office of the local dealership was opened in Shigatse, where more than 200 customers joined the opening ceremony, combined with product & Brand seminar, resulting in 43 units of EXC orders.
Market development and high demand
Tibet, on the roof of the world in average elevation above 4000 meters, is the mystery for most of the Chinese people in plain areas and the whole world as well. The sacred mountains and lakes such as Mount Himalaya and Lake Nam are famous.
In recent years, the infrastructure and road construction in Tibet has being developed rapidly. Tracing back to the road construction of Qinghai-Tibet Railway in 2003, Volvo excavators contributed a lot in the division of Naqu and Anduo at an altitude beyond 5000 meters. In 2016, Volvo pavers were found again paving on Shigatse Airport Express Highway.
EXC demands in Tibet are increased from 847 units in 2016 to 3181 units in 2018 and reached 1226 units in the 1st quarter of 2019. In order to grasp the huge opportunity in the fast developing area, after 1-year business pilot, Volvo CE authorized dealership to Tibet SVO Machinery Co. in 2018 Q1, who is the subsidiary of SVO Group, VCE's large dealer in China Northwest.
Fast growth of Volvo dealership in Tibet
In the past 2 years, we set up dealer's headquarter in provincial capital Lasha, opened branches in the sub-regional centers of Linzi and Changdu. Shigatse was the 3rd branch office inaugurated in Tibet. Planned in 2019, the opening of other 2 branches in Shannan and Ngari will follow, by which our network would link all key areas, and Volvo brand would penetrate to the frontline market in Tibet.
Upon promotion seminars and premium brand built by word of mouth, more and more customers choose Volvo as their final decision in machinery purchase. 200 customers are invited to witness the opening of Shigatse branch. With the confidence reinforced on Volvo brand and SVO service support capability, orders of 37 excavators beyond 20tons and 6 COE were placed on the seminar.
In less than 2 years, the population in Tibet SVO has developed into 70 including a dozen of local Tibetan staff in both sales and aftermarket team, who could deeply approach local customers of Tibetan nationality. With the joint efforts of Volvo CE and dealer SVO, we will facilitate the competence development of the local team.
文丨沃尔沃建筑设备 岳向琴
2019年一季度,沃尔沃建筑设备在中国西藏的挖掘机市场占有率达到5.6%,在2018年一季度,西藏星沃机械工程设备有限公司(以下简称西藏星沃)被授权负责西藏自治区, 西藏星沃是沃尔沃建筑设备西北区集团经销商新疆星沃集团的全资子公司。4月12日,西藏星沃的第三家分公司日喀则分公司正式成立,200位尊贵的客户受邀观摩分公司成立,同期参加沃尔沃产品和品牌交流会,交流会促成了43台挖掘机订单。
近几年,在西部开发的背景下, 西藏的基础建设和道路建设需求迅猛增长,当然,沃尔沃和西藏的渊源可以追溯到2003年青藏铁路的建设,在那曲、安多段,大量的沃尔沃挖掘机工作在施工现场,2016年,日喀则机场高速路的工地上,再次见到沃尔沃摊铺机的身影。
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